anton niklasson

hello! 👋

tl;dr: I am a software engineer at Sana.

Further reading: all my notes · github · linkedin

Professionally I am a software engineer at Sana, I also have a background in consulting and freelancing. I am very interested in product building and agile development. I constantly push my teams to be as productive and joyful as possible. Writing code alone is one thing, but doing it productively, at scale, over time is actually pretty tricky it turns out.

I am interested in systems and tools around personal productivity. Life is over-whelming, and I want to be intentional about how I spend my time. I read Getting Things Done many years ago, and recently I have adopted ideas from Tiago Forte around building a second brain and PARA. I have realized with experience that my brain is not very good at keeping track of many things at once. So I am trying to off-load it and write things down. Nothing really beats Apple Notes, but Obsidian has a special place in my heart. I have been on Todoist for probably ten years at this point. I love trying new tools, but I keep coming back to the stable and polished experience that Todoist offers.

On that note; I have been using Vim on and off for a long time now. I found this old introduction I wrote back in 2016. Since then, I have spent many hours in VS Code. Though recently I started using neovim as my primary editor. There is just something about having complete control over your environment that I am drawn to.

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